We make what’s next real.
Dreamcraft takes ideas out of science fiction and makes them a part of our real world. Our current attractions include some of the leading VR and AR technology in the amusement industry. We are looking to the future of making what’s next real, we deliver real solutions.
Real immersion. Real technology. Real results.
World’s First AR Attraction
An unrivaled social, augmented reality experience is open now — DreamCraft delivered an enchanting real-world experience revisiting their roots in HoloLens.
The Twilight Saga: Midnight Ride
An action-packed VR attraction at Lionsgate Entertainment World. Midnight ride was a recipient of the 27th Annual THEA Awards presented by the Themed Entertainment Association
Busch Gardens’ Battle for Eire
A ground breaking virtual reality motion simulator at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, Battle for Eire revolutionizes the application of VR in theme parks.